Even if you are currently satisfied with your existing eDiscovery software, it is worth evaluating eDiscovery software options, to see what else is available.
Find out what others are using – is it giving them an advantage over you?
To ensure you are equipping yourself with the most effective tools, you should evaluate your eDiscovery software options every 12-24 months. Like most technology, so much can change and quickly with eDiscovery software – your requirements change; the options available change; and costs can go up or down.
Time you were evaluating eDiscovery software options
In your evaluation process it is important to seek impartial advice to help you evaluate your best options – not just from those selling the product !
At the end of each matter evaluate what worked well with your software, and what didn’t. Simply use a blank piece of paper (I know I shouldn’t be proposing paper), draw a line down the middle and identify what worked well, and what didn’t. Often what didn’t work well, or the limitations of a product can be the justification to looking at an option with advanced functionality on your next matter.
Shop around !!
You always have the flexibility to shop around. Evaluating other options, and then changing software is a very simple process, that can quickly help simplify your entire discovery process.
It has never been easier to move to another eDiscovery software solution, as most in New Zealand are deploying eDiscovery software as a ‘hosted’ option. The cost of the software is usually passed on as a straight disbursement, without any cost to your organisation.
You may have a preferred option that works for most matters, and then explore another option when the requirements necessitate. I would encourage everyone to have an alternative option ready to go if required.
To get started, you could trial another option on a new matter, whilst still using your existing software on current matters. This gives you the ability ‘test drive’ how it works and if it might be appropriate to consider using it for future matters.
Best of all, if you don’t like a product, or it doesn’t work for you – you can easily move on !
Evaluating your eDiscovery software options every 12-24 months will ensure you are using the most suitable eDiscovery option(s) available.
If you would like assistance in evaluating your eDiscovery options, I can provide leading advice on the latest options available.
I might even be able to find a more appropriate solution for you !