The NZ E-Discovery Blog  Facilitating proportionate and efficient e-discovery

Exploring Offshore Coding to List Documents

November 22nd, 2016

Since my last post, I have had many queries about LPO providers and offshore coding. I thought it might be helpful to explain how offshore coding works, together with why it should at least be an option to consider.

Listing documents and managing paper may seem simple – it is not ! Leading eDiscovery Consultant Terry Harrison mentioned recently how important it is to manage paper properly.

Most law firms that manage paper internally can face considerable frustrations with how onerous the exercise can be – and this certainly isn’t their core business. This is where the value of an external provider comes in, removing your burden with the comfort of knowing that the job is taken care of.

Many though can find the cost of a local provider quite prohibitive in deciding to outsource this work.

If I was a client asked to pay large sums of money to list documents, then I would at least want to consider the most cost effective options. An LPO provider just may be one of those options.

Where to go?

Terry Harrison mentioned the great relationship he has had with the LPO provider Cenza over many years. Like Terry, Cenza is one of the providers that I have an excellent relationship with.

It is difficult to dispute the significant cost savings compared to listing documents locally. However, there are many advantages of engaging LPO providers like Cenza than solely cost –

  • Time savings – matters can be turned around in days, if not hours. The time difference to New Zealand is a great advantage for New Zealand firms
  • Dependable and scalable service
  • Security – the levels of security can be higher than some in-house or local options
  • Quality and accuracy of work is second to none
  • Considerable experience of working on matters for New Zealand law firms

The documents are scanned locally and then accessed by the offshore provider to code (list). In addition to the coding, the documents can also be unitised at the offshore providers end – delivering considerable savings to doing this locally. [For those not accustomed to what unitisation is, it is the very important process of identifying where a document starts and finishes, together if it is attached to another].

Simplifying the offshore coding option

Historically firms have tendered to put the offshore option in the “too hard basket”. Yes they see the cost saving potential, but it can often be too difficult getting started.

To simplify this process, I take care of the logistics of managing the offshore provider – you only need to liaise with me! This greatly reduces the burden for the law firm, together with significantly reducing the cost of the discovery process for their client.

If you would like to explore offshore coding then do not hesitate to ask me.



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