It is not always the use of Technology Assisted Review (TAR), or the utilisation of other powerful technologies that will be right for you.
For some it is simply looking at existing practices and seeing if there is anything that could be performed more efficiently.
Some of the technology out there is fantastic, but sometimes there are some easy wins that can just come from some small incremental changes in your approach.
Some of these ‘easy wins’ may include –
Look at how you collect documents from your client
Spending more time looking to devise a more targeted and proportional approach
Invest time to drill down to remove irrelevant material and get to only what you need.
Are there parts of how you manage discovery that can be more effectively done by a 3rd party that is a specialist
To remove some of the cost and complication of the discovery process, and perhaps identify some of these ‘easy wins’ it is important to turn your attention to the practical discovery requirements earlier in the process.
If you find discovery expensive and time consuming, then invest an hour at the outset of a matter with an expert to try and work out the best way to approach the discovery exercise. The time invested at the outset could save thousands down the track, not to mention lessening the burden for you and your firm.
Sometimes having a fresh perspective of how you currently approach the discovery process, can be a great starting point to look at some easy wins.
Wanting to know where to start, to get some easy wins ? Give me a shout today as I might be able to help simplify your discovery process.