I still find many firms using an eDiscovery solution (using the word ‘solution’ loosely), because they have always used the product, or justify its continual use on “sticking with the devil you know” ! Selecting eDiscovery software is crucial for all organisations involved in the discovery process.
If this is you, then you are being left behind by others that are open to exploring options that better meet their requirements.
As I mentioned previously, you should evaluate your eDiscovery software options every 12-24 months. If you don’t then your competitors may be getting an advantage with their choice of eDiscovery software.
Selecting eDiscovery has never been easier
It has never been a better time to deploy eDiscovery software as there are many more options available – options that are greatly superior, intuitive and cheaper than what was available only a few years back.
Too often I see lawyers continually complaining about the capabilities of their existing software, but then continue to use it. It does not have to be this way as there are some fantastic options out there.
One of the great things about eDiscovery software (especially hosted offerings), is that you have the flexibility to look around. Look around and consider some of the many options that are now available. Speaking directly here in New Zealand the options include (and not limited to – to save missing someone out), Relativity, Ringtail, Everlaw, EDT and LawFlow.
If you don’t like a product, or it doesn’t work for you – move on !
Play the field…
So much change can happen, and quickly with eDiscovery software –
- Your requirements change;
- Technology changes; and
- Costs change.
It is important to fully understand the needs of your case, together with the capabilities of the software.
A good way to get started is give another option a go on a new matter, whilst maybe still using your existing software on present matters. This gives you the ability to see how it works and if it might be appropriate to consider using it for future matters. An increasing number of firms are using this as their approach to evaluating options.
This can all be done whilst disbursing the monthly cost to the client. This can be justified on the basis of using superior technology that will enable the legal team to be more efficient and cost effective with their time – music to your client’s ears !
Give a new option a go today. See if it meets your requirements.
If you would like any assistance, I can help you shop around, and by advising on what eDiscovery software options might be best for your requirements.