The NZ E-Discovery Blog  Facilitating proportionate and efficient e-discovery

Blog Archives

“Simplifying Discovery Obligations” – Starts with more robust case management

October 21st, 2021

In New Zealand there has been a recent Consultation process about Improving Access to Civil Justice. This is a positive step as we would all acknowledge there is work to do here in simplifying eDiscovery obligations. As part of these discussions, somewhat inevitably is evaluating the role of discovery and the potential reform of discovery […]


Documents or should it be ESI ?

June 15th, 2016

In today’s’ digital world many of us still refer to information that is mostly electronic as simply documents – and I can be as guilty as any ! The use of the term document can be familiar and comfortable. Much the same way traditional methods of addressing eDiscovery can be hard to shift. Even though […]


Final programme confirmed for the New Zealand eDiscovery Conference

March 6th, 2014

The final programme with all the confirmed speakers has been finalised for the 2nd Annual New Zealand eDiscovery Conference. The conference is taking place in Auckland at the Stamford Plaza on the 19th of March. Many law firms, barristers, corporate organisations and government agencies have already registered with many of the organisations involved in litigation […]


Understanding the practical impact of the High Court Discovery Rules 12 months on

January 30th, 2013

Electronic discovery in New Zealand has grown significantly over the last year and there is a clear need for an event which allows NZ practitioners to develop their knowledge of this evolving area. Ernst & Young and E-Discovery Consulting have joined forces to present the Managing eDiscovery in New Zealand Conference. The conference is taking […]


E-Discovery presents challenges and requires new skills

November 28th, 2012

Electronic discovery has often been a process that is unfamiliar to many involved in litigation. E-discovery requires new skills and a greater appreciation of technology than was previously required in a traditional paper dominated discovery world. In today’s digital world the increasing sources and volumes of electronic information is making the discovery process more challenging. There […]


Launch of new E-Discovery CPD Seminars

August 9th, 2012

E-Discovery Consulting has launched a programme of CPD seminars on electronic discovery and legal technology. The aim of the CLE seminars is to provide all those involved in litigation the opportunity to be better prepared and informed to tackle electronic discovery. Further information about the CPD seminars can be found on here. E-Discovery requires new […]


A Judicial Commentary on New Zealand’s New Discovery Rules

April 19th, 2012

This week His Honour Judge David Harvey has written an article which summarises New Zealand’s New Discovery Rules and also provides a practical insight of how technology can be used through the discovery process. The article called New Zealand’s New Discovery Rules and Electronic Discovery was published by the Society for Computers and Law (from the […]


Raising the awareness of electronic discovery

March 30th, 2012

Raising the awareness of electronic discovery has become something of a mission of mine of late. Electronic discovery is an area that continues to evolve with new challenges arising, as well as new solutions developing – it is just a matter of sharing this knowledge. Historically in New Zealand there were not any court rules […]


New discovery rules – being more informed at an earlier stage

January 20th, 2012

We are now only a couple of weeks away from the new discovery rules commencing in New Zealand on the 1st of February. Currently I am busy assisting firms prepare to comply with the new requirements. One point I have been highlighting is those parties that are more informed about their information at an earlier […]


Lord Justice Jackson: “New Zealand is ahead of us”

December 1st, 2011

“New Zealand is ahead of us” maybe a commendable headline, but it is important to put Lord Justice Jackson’s comment into context. Lord Justice Jackson made this comment last week in a speech about ‘Controlling the Costs of Disclosure’. A full copy of the speech is available on the Judiciary of England and Wales website. […]


Continuing to promote the new discovery rules

November 22nd, 2011

I continue my ‘mission’ to try and raise the awareness of the new discovery rules, with the commencement just around the corner on 1 February 2012. The Law Society helpfully published an article of mine in their Law Talk magazine last week entitled “Promoting the new discovery rules”. A link to the full article can […]


NZ Law Society seminars: Judicial endorsement of new discovery rules

November 1st, 2011

I have spent the last week travelling the country presenting seminars on behalf of the New Zealand Law Society explaining the new discovery reforms. Laura O’Gorman of Buddle Findlay and David Friar of Bell Gully joined me in presenting these sessions, adding valuable legal insight into the new discovery rules. Judicial endorsement We were fortunate […]


Removing the uncertainty – new discovery rules

October 14th, 2011

I like many, were pleased to see the new discovery rules finally made public last week with the announcement that they will come into effect on 1 February 2012. There had been considerable uncertainty around when the new discovery rules would commence and also when the new rules would be made available. Personally it has […]


New discovery rules – training sessions

October 7th, 2011

As I announced yesterday, the new NZ discovery rules are now publicly available. They commence on 1 February 2012.  To assist the profession understand what the new discovery rules will mean for them, I have established dedicated training sessions on the new discovery rules. Details of the sessions are available here. The new rules contain […]


New discovery rules commence 1 Feb 2012

October 6th, 2011

The new NZ discovery rules have been passed and will commence on 1 February 2012. The rules were passed this week and were today published on the New Zealand Legislation website. The new rules substantially change the way that discovery will have to be conducted. The reforms modernise discovery rules in an attempt to curb […]


Rules Committee approves new NZ discovery rules

August 30th, 2011

The New Zealand Rules Committee has approved the final draft of the new discovery rules. The Courts of New Zealand website now outlines the current status with the rules – At the meeting 22 August 2011, the Committee approved a draft set of rules on discovery, revised after a substantial period of consultation with the profession.  […]