The NZ E-Discovery Blog  Facilitating proportionate and efficient e-discovery

New Zealand eDiscovery Conference – Vound confirmed as an exhibitor

February 7th, 2013

Vound will be exhibiting their software at the Managing eDiscovery in New Zealand Conference. The Conference is being held at the Stamford Plaza in Auckland on the Wednesday the 13th of February 2013.

Vound is a world leader and pioneer in the development of applications for forensic search, eDiscovery and email investigation. Vounds software is known for ease of use and greatly improving productivity on any of the tasks above.

Founded in 2008 Vound software has out grown quickly to have several 1000 users and has representatives in countries, including the USA, Japan, Netherlands, Germany, UK, France and Australia, Singapore, China, Latin America and Hong Kong. To learn more,

The Managing eDiscovery in New Zealand Conference is presented by Ernst & Young and E-Discovery Consulting.

This conference is the first of its kind in New Zealand as it is specifically designed to look at the basics of electronic discovery, as well as providing a practical insight into what is required by the new discovery rules.

Further sponsorship and exhibition opportunities are still available for the conference.


Registration information and further details about the conference can be found on the dedicated conference page.



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