The NZ E-Discovery Blog  Facilitating proportionate and efficient e-discovery

Early Bird discount closing soon for 2nd Annual New Zealand eDiscovery Conference

February 13th, 2014

The Early Bird discount for the 2nd Annual New Zealand eDiscovery Conference is closing on the 19th of February.

Many law firms, barristers, corporate organisations and government departments have already registered to take advantage of the discounted rates. Most organisations involved in litigation are represented in some capacity.

The 2nd Annual New Zealand eDiscovery Conference is presented by E-Discovery Consulting and EY, taking place at the Stamford Plaza in Auckland on the 19th of March 2014.

The conference will provide greater awareness of the evolving issues and complexities in managing electronic information, issues that will continue to place greater pressures on lawyers. To respond to these challenges the programme will focus on the best practices that can take the burden and cost out of managing information electronically.

The 2014 event will build on the success of the inaugural event this year which attracted over 100 participants. The programme features new topics and speakers, including leading eDiscovery experts and practitioners from New Zealand and abroad.

Confirmed Speakers 

  • Internationally renowned eDiscovery expert Tom Gelbmann of Gelbmann & Associates, LLC as the International keynote.
  • Leading international eDiscovery and technology Judge, His Honour Judge David Harvey to deliver the Judicial keynote.
  • A panel featuring Deloitte, PwC, KPMG and EY discussing electronic evidence, collection, preservation and forensics.
  • Leading litigation partner Polly Pope of Russell McVeagh to deliver a session on managing eDiscovery exercises.
  • FMA Litigation Manager Paul O’Neil to look at managing electronic evidence from a Regulatory perspective.
  • AUT Digital Forensic Professor Brian Cusack to discuss ‘Understanding information management in the digital age’.
  • Jo Sherman of EDT and Elizabeth Miller of Law In Order are confirmed to appear on panel discussions.

Further Highlights 


Further details about the conference, including latest updates about speakers and the programme can be found on the conference page.



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